“In view of this unilateral, unjustified and incomprehensible decision, the Federal Government is now concerned with ensuring a minimum presence of intermediaries in Russia while also maintaining a diplomatic presence,” the newspaper quoted the German foreign ministry as saying.
“We know that this is a tactic that is used in wars, for pressure, that is illegal in all international laws. Unfortunately, this has pushed medical staff into a propaganda war – between the RSF and the Sudanese army,” said Dr Mohamed
Faced with starvation and with no water, Mr Sholgami was forced to leave his wife to find help. While he was out, he was shot three times – in his hand, chest and lower back – by snipers. With no hospitals working
I’ve been following the Disney feud and I believe that while Governor DeSantis had a valid reason to lock horns with Disney initially, he should have disengaged from that feud long ago after he made his point. I think it’s gone on
If you are looking to understand South Africa’s current struggles – its soaring crime and unemployment rates, its stubborn inequality and stagnant economy, its relentless corruption and crippling power cuts, and its broader drift towards what some fear could become “gangster state”
Mr Ali was quoted by AFP as saying that, as well as medical teams stationed at the airport, Georgetown’s two major hospitals would be prepared “so that every single child who requires attention be given the best possible opportunity to get that
The result was an immense setback for Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras, who described his party’s performance as “extremely negative”. He came to power in 2015 campaigning against the austerity of international bailouts, but ultimately agreed to creditors’ demands.
“In this way, they would have assumed the risk of the result of their omissions, which culminated in the double homicide,” the force added, appearing to suggest Mr Xavier’s failure to protect workers indirectly paved the way for the murders of Phillips,
“It’s time to press pause because it’s just not productive,” said Mr Graves, a Louisiana congressman, as he walked out earlier. “Until people are willing to have difficult conversations about how you can actually move forward and do the right thing, we’re
Asked about a threatening atmosphere for Palestinians, he said he opposed any harassment. But, echoing highly controversial comments this year from a far-right minister, he added: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people; when was Palestine established? Is there a